Koordynatorzy seminarium Archeologia Pogranicza (Wydział Archeologii UW) zapraszają serdecznie wszystkich zainteresowanych na wykład otwarty/The coordinators of the seminar Borderland Archaeology (Faculty of Archaeology, University of Warsaw) would like to invite everyone interested to an open lecture by dr Micaela Sinibaldi (Visiting Lecturer Programme ZIP); dyrektorka/Director of the/Islamic Baydha Project in Petra, Jordan, Settlement in Crusader Transjordan (1100-1189).
Środa, 23 lutego 2022, g. 9.45-11.15/Wednesday 23 February 2022, 9.45AM-11.15AM CET
Link do wykładu/Link to the lecture: meet.google.com/fkg-ryyh-xpy
The Lordship of Transjordan, part of the Crusader kingdom of Jerusalem during the 12th century, is usually assumed to have had more or less the sole function of serving as the southeastern frontier of the kingdom, and that it was rather isolated from the rest of the kingdom. Through the detailed analysis and combination of all available sources, this study shows that this image of a series of castles in a largely deserted area originates primarily from a scarcity of research, and that it does not reflect the evidence offered by the sources, which indicate that the region had a much more complex identity. The conclusions have provided rich information on the dynamics, variety and timing of settlement in the region, on socio-economic aspects, and on the great significance of Transjordan to the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem.
Dr Micaela Sinibaldi is a Visiting Professor at the University of Warsaw, a Honorary Research Fellow at Cardiff University and the Director of the Islamic Baydha Project in Petra, Jordan. After completing a PhD at Cardiff University on the subject of the Lordship of Transjordan and holding several post-doctoral fellowship (Humboldt University, the Council for the British Research in the Levant), she has served as acting deputy director at the Kenyon nstitute in Jerusalem (Council for British Research in the Levant). With K. Lewis, J. Thompson and B. Major she has o-edited Crusader Landscapes in the Medieval Levant. The Archaeology and History of the Latin East, University of Wales Press (2016), a Festschrift for Prof. Denys Pringle. Among recent contributions is: M. Sinibaldi, “Karak Castle in the Lordship of Transjordan: Observations on the Chronology of the Crusader-period Fortress” in P. Edbury, D. Pringle and B. Major, Bridge of Civilisations. The Near East and Europe c.1100-1300, Oxford, Archaeopress (2019). An article summarizing the research presented here, M. Sinibaldi, „The Crusader Lordship of Transjordan (1100 – 1189): settlement forms, dynamics and significance” is now in print for Levant.
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